Employee Performance Items
- Click a chamber surface tile to select it. Drag across many surface tiles to block select.
- Drag the edges of a selection set to extrude the surfaces.
- Use the '+' and '-' keys to extrude in/out.
- Tap the 'P' key to change portalability of the selection.
- Drag the background to rotate your camera view.
- Drag the controls along the far right edge of the screen to pan, zoom, and rotate your camera view.
- To add items from the palette, move the mouse to the far left edge of the screen.
- Right click an item to change its properties or connect items together.
- The buttons along the left side of a context menu can be pressed repeatedly.
- The right side of menus display associated hotkeys.
- To adjust how an item is attached to the surface it's on, drag the item handle.
- All Puzzles must have one of the following: Entry door, exit door, and large observation room window. These items cannot be placed, deleted, or copied.
- Some item placements are incompatible and will show an error indication until they are fixed.
- Some items embed into the space behind the surface they are mounted to.
- Double click a surface to expand the selection to all connected co-planar surfaces.
- Drag-select surfaces on different planes to select a whole volume.
- With a volume selected, the +/- keys will fill or carve.
- Drag the edges of a selection set to move the whole selection along an axis.
- Click and drag the middle mouse wheel to pan. (SHIFT+MMB to Orbit)
- Click and drag the right mouse button to orbit your view.
- Use the scroll wheel to quickly zoom in and out. (CTRL to change zoom target)
- Use WASD keys to move the camera view.
- Use QERF keys to rotate the camera view.
- Hold down the spacebar to force extrude/move selections.
- Hold down CTRL while moving items to make copies.
- Hold down ALT while moving items to snap them to surfaces that are not visible to the camera view.
- Tap 'Alt+P' or 'O' keys to invert the portalability of selected surfaces
- Select an item and tap 'K' to connect it to other items.
- Hold down SHIFT while rotating items to snap to 45 degree increments.
- Instead of dragging to select surfaces, you can hold down SHIFT while clicking a second time.
- Use Arrow keys to move the carat in screen space. Shift+arrow keys moves the carat in floor space.
- Use the PageUp/PageDown keys to move the carat in and out.
- Use Shift + arrow keys to expand the carat (Alt+Shift to move the opposite end)